Child and adolescent counselling is a safe, comforting, secure and confidential space for the young individuals to share their feelings, emotions and concerns with an empathetic and non-judgmental professional counsellor.
Child and adolescent counselling is also space for the young minds to express, explore and learn about themselves, their family and their collective environment.
In Child and Adolescent Counselling:
- The therapist creates a safe environment for the young individuals to learn new skills, cope with their physiological and psychological changes.
- The therapist works on the the child’s behavioural issues and focuses on the desirable behavioural changes.
- The therapist identifies, understands and works on the child’s social skills, learning difficulties, and maladaptive coping mechanisms.
- The therapist identifies the crisis situations in a child’s life and facilitates the child to learn to manage their crisis situations.
- The therapist identifies the external influencing factors and its internal repercussions i the child and works toward healthy coping mechanisms.
- The therapist identifies the child’s fears, anxiety, doubts, concerns, and apprehensions and works toward desensitizing the fear and anxiety inducing factors.
In child and adolescent counselling the focus of the therapist not only on the child but also on the parents/caregivers in training them to be a loving, supportive, non-threatening and desirable parents/caregivers. The therapist also helps the parents/caregivers to learn new skills, cope with their children’s challenges, adapt to their changing behaviour, and understand them in their changing process.
Speak with an expert right now. You can call us on 8039236200 or email us at [email protected] and we will help you in the best possible way.