Kiran has been thinking of looking for another job for the past few months. He feels uncomfortable at his workplace. His boss is not appreciative of his work, some of his colleagues do not support him and some of his colleagues keep a distance from him at work. He does not know who to go to when he encounters a problem at work. He feels isolated. All this has resulted in low productivity from his end. Kiran was his boss’ “blue eyed boy” last year and received ample support, opportunities and feedback from him and his team members.
A new employee who joined six months ago, has turned the tables around and has become the favourite of the boss. Kiran has constant negative thoughts about himself, his work and the environment which is adversely affecting his productivity and his relationship at work.
Politics and favouritism at workplace is not a new concept to most of us. It is considered an inevitable part of work life. And we are affected by it if we are on the wrong side of the team or the boss. The results are usually counter-productive to the employee who is not the favoured the boss and this in return affects the entire team.
Under such situations, negativity is the prominent attitude that affects all the areas of functioning at work. We are upset about not getting important opportunities, be appreciated, and receive accolades which tends to affect the motivation and hence we tend to distance from the boss, work, try to seek support by speaking negatively about the boss, indulge in absenteeism. None of these will help us in motivating and increasing our productivity. Instead, here are a few pointers we could follow to maintain a healthy positive attitude and motivation and thus not let it affect the productivity.
Stay focused on your work: Do not let your work be affected by negativity. Attain clarity on your job description, identify tasks and deadlines and complete the work. Also, help your peers and junior members in the team in their work to build a positive opinion about you and thus create a favourable environment.
Communicate with your boss: Make a list of concerns you have with your boss. Listen to him or her on her concerns about you and how you can address them. Negotiate and accept the suggestions assertively. Put forth your concerns in an assertive manner. Open and assertive communication helps in reducing unfavourable impression about you and also lead to have positive equation with the boss.
Speak to your colleagues positively: Do not bad mouth about the boss to your colleagues or your competitor. Identify the positive and helpful qualities in them which will enable communication with them. Do not create blocks for yourself by having a negative opinion about them. Perceive their negative qualities as their limitations.
Observe the environment and identify opportunities: Keep yourself informed of various projects at work by having discussions with your colleagues. Identify opportunities where you can make a valuable contribution. Discuss with your boss and indicate your ideas and inclination to work on them. Take the initiative.
Identify a mentor: If you cannot have your boss as a mentor, identify another mentor and build a rapport with him or her. Inform your boss about it and seek his/her opinion about it. This helps in assuring an open communication and trust in you for your boss.
Keep your options open: When nothing else works, look out for a conducive opportunity and move out. Plan and make the transition smooth.
Be professional in every interaction and work. Do not personalise any issue.