Conflict is a part of life and is inevitable. They can be between two individuals, organisations, nations or systems. And also conflict can be a minor disagreement or lead to a major war-like situation. When managed well, conflicts become part of healthy development. When mismanaged, it leads to misunderstanding, distancing, emotional cut-off and isolation especially in relationships.
Hence conflict resolution becomes an important part of couple, family and workplace relationships. When conflict arises, an individual deals with in the following ways:
Flight: The person dominates or controls the situation to manage the conflict. This leads to anger, paranoia, and impulsiveness.
Flight: The person avoids or runs away from the conflict situation which can lead to anxiety.
Freezing: The person is unable to act or express in a conflict situation which leads to anxiety and panic attacks.
Submission: The person gives into the other person or dictated by the situation to manage conflict which leads to depression.
One of the ways of learning to resolve conflicts is Conflict Resolution Therapy, developed by psychologist Susan Heitler focusses on developing communication, emotional self-regulation, expression of positive feelings and collaborative problem-solving skills. Another theory is Interest-Based Relational Approach that stresses on individual differentiation while connecting with people without becoming emotionally entangled with them. Another approach is assertiveness training where in the person learns to behave and express true self without fear and hurting self or others.
Speak with an expert right now. You can call us on 8039236200 or email us at [email protected] and we will help you in the best possible way.