Emotions are expressed both verbally through words and non-verbally through facial expressions, gestures and movements. We are constantly expressing emotions when interacting with others and others can reliably judge those emotional expressions (Elfenbein & Ambady, 2002; Matsumoto,2001).
We all go through millions of emotions in any relationship. Emotions plays a crucial role in our life. It can be positive/negative but both have equal importance that help us in enhancing the relationship.
Emotional transparency is an important aspect that enhances the bond between the partners as well as it is the key to a great relationship. Sometimes we have a positive frame of mind which we tend to portray to our partner, but sometimes it is negative which also helps the other partner to understand what he/she is feeling.
Expression of emotions help us convey and absorb what is around us, especially in situations where we are socializing. Communicating and expression is an integral part of survival.
Tips for sharing your emotions with your partner:
- Establish a safe and secure position in your relationship so that you feel comfortable to share your emotions.
- Identify your emotions. Sometimes we feel confused and we do not know what we are feeling. Maybe you could look for feeling words and jot down your what you are feeling.
- Talk about it with your partner. Give them the space to understand you from a different perspective.
- Listen to what your partner is sharing as well. Sharing about your own feelings is one aspect, but listening to your partner is challenging as well.
- Be supportive to what your partner is sharing. Remember they are sharing because they feel you safe with you and they need the emotional support which they might not get from anyone else.
Emotions influence our thoughts, sometimes in a constructive way but sometimes not. Sometimes we are we too overwhelmed with our emotions it is difficult for us to take practical decisions. But again being practical all the time is not healthy. Give yourself time and try to find that perfect balance between being emotional and practical.
Aritree Mitra