Online Counselling for Medical Interns and Junior Residents working with COVID patients or currently in quarantine
A lot of young doctors are working shoulder to shoulder with their seniors and their faculty across medical colleges and hospitals for managing humanity’s biggest ever public health challenge of Corona Pandemic.
Being a new virus with no defined treatment protocol implies that these young residents and interns have to be always on their toes to alter their care protocols.
It is also not easy to face and respond to the same type of enquiries from patients’ family. They also face a barrage of questions from their own family back home who are concerned about their exposure to the virus.
Some of the residents and interns have had to undergo Quarantine due to their exposure to numerous COVID-19 positive cases. On top of this, social stigma, public paranoia associated with the virus, and long hours in PPE are taking its toll on the psychological health of these young physicians. Therefore, they need urgent mental health help.
Why are we thinking about all this?
We strongly feel it’s time we do something for these young junior doctors in return for their selfless services protecting our lives. Healtheminds team has been running a FREE counselling program for interns and residents working with COVID patients including those who are in quarantine due to exposure or infection.
Here are our panel of psychological counsellors from Healtheminds who have been counselling young doctors seeking mental health support.
Ms Trisha Ray
B. Ed in Special Education, Cert. Cognitive Behavior Therapy – Certification, USA
Ms Trisha is a professional clinical psychologist with over 6 years of counselling experience. Her passion for helping the young population has made her favorite amongst the youth.
Ms Kanchan Thakeria
Masters in Psychology
Diploma in Counselling & Life Skills
Ms Kanchan is a certified counsellor & psychologist with 3 years of experience. She excels in counselling for contemporary mental health issues in young adults. She applies the techniques of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation & Mental Visualization in her practice.
Ms Aparna M
Masters in Psychology
Ms Aparna is a consultant psychologist with 9 years of experience and helps clients improve on their mental health and emotional well-being
Ms Aleta Vasumitra
Masters in Clinical Psychology
Ms Vasumitra is a Clinical
Psychologist with an illustrious career of 26 years counselling a variety of patients ranging from corporate professionals to students dealing with emotional and cognitive issues. She focuses on detailed profiling of behavioral disorders and adjustment related issues in school and university students. Ms Vasumitra has worked as the guidance counsellor and a professor of psychology in prestigious institutes within the country and abroad.
For appointments:
Call: +91 80 6745 8111
Or Email: [email protected]
with Full Name | Phone Number | Skype ID | College Name | Source of Reference