A pay raise, shorter hours, a promotion, a better title or even a day of absence- there are enough and more reasons to talk to your boss. Talking to your boss or the CEO is often like an interview. You have limited time to make your case, you can’t anticipate the questions you will be asked and you will always leave second-guessing yourself.
Approaching your boss is often quite a task in itself. Here are some ways to effectively have a conversation with your boss:
- Before you speak to your boss, spend time writing down what you want to speak to him about. Make sure you are clear what you want from him/her. You could even take some time to rehearse what you want to say.
- Avoid going to your bosses when you are emotional. Make sure you are calm and composed before you approach them. Also, address issues before emotions get involved in the equation. Have an air of confidence about yourself.
- Stay clear of absolute words such as “never” or “all the time” as it makes people raise their defense. Instead use qualifying words such as “perhaps” and “maybe”.
- Approach your boss with an open mind and be willing to compromise. Keep a positive attitude. Listen to what the boss has to say and reflect on it instead of reacting. Be assertive, not aggressive.
Be a keen listener. If you fail to comprehend any part of what s/he says, be sure to ask for a reiteration. Try to repeat and rephrase things that s/he says so that they know you are attentive.
Avoid trying to flatter the boss but give out praise where it is due. Communicate regularly to make the equation better.
Keep these in mind and you should be good to go. If you find it especially difficult to talk to your boss or higher authorities in your work place, an expert can help you come up with personalized methods of facing your issue. S/he should also be able to help you with building your confidence.